The problem is that the Russian leadership refused to recognize this basic fact.

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May 2Edited


And then repeated the exercise in burying its head in the sand after Crocus City Hall too. Lots of outrage was expressed in the days immediately after, some threats were issued, then the whole thing was forgotten without anything happening to those who organized it.

Notice the basic similarities between the events -- we stuff a bunch of Russians in a building, then set it on fire, and prevent escape. It didn't quite work out as fully planned in Moscow, but the plan was obvious.

And to everyone in Russia the symbolism of it should be inescapable, because people in Russia have grown up with the images of Nazi death squads herding whole villages into churches and barns, setting them on fire, then finishing off whoever tried to escape. Images they have seen many times in movies and documentaries about WWII, when the Nazis, and their Ukrainian collaborators, did this countless times.

I don't know if they wanted to send that kind of message in Odessa ten years ago, they may well have, but Crocus City was quite likely planned with it in mind, because such symbols have featured in many of the West's actions. Notice how the US Congress passed the money for Ukraine on April 20th. They didn't have to do it on that exact date, and it was a Saturday too, but they did. April 20th is Hitler's birthday. The first Kerch bridge bombing was timed for Putin's birthday. Etc. etc.

And yet the Kremlin continues to sit on its hands...

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" burying its head in the sand after Crocus City Hall TOO "? Just this one statement shows absolute lack of knowledge and understanding of what, how and why Russian leadership does and does. What do you propose Russia had to do after the terrorist acts perpetraited against their civilians ? Become terrorists and start killing civilians in former Ukraine and in UK & US, right? Or change Russian very SUCCESSFUL STRATEGY of ATTRITION of the enemies' military and begin to carpet bomb ukies with the civilians and all just like the US/ NATO has been doing in Iraq, right? It's just amazing that you and your kind just incapable of even seeing the obvious -- Russia already strategically won in every aspect of this war against the US/NATO in Ukraine: Russia won militarily and is basically finishing off the achievement of their main goal -- the demilitarization of ukrainians and demilitarization of NATO too; Russian won economically regardless of all the sunctions ; Russia won in Foreghn Policy and the majority of the World is joining Russia to trade and to cooperate ; most importantly -- Russia won the arms race against the combined West, period.

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Jan 5Edited

>What do you propose Russia had to do after the terrorist acts perpetraited against their civilians ? Become terrorists and start killing civilians in former Ukraine and in UK & US, right?

Of course, not. What kind of an idiot would do that?

You do surgical strikes on the people responsible, in their mansions, skyscrapers and bunkers.

Directly and as publicly as possible, so that nobody ever dares do it again.


So successful has this strategy been that the war is fought entirely on official Russian territory except for the small piece of Kharkov region, and in reality it is 500 to 1000 km deep into Russian territory, with the Nazis heirs in Europe and across the pond sleeping safe and sound without a care. This now almost for three years, and with zero prospect of finishing within another three years either.

Why? Because the Kremlin refuses to use the abundant tools at its disposal to end it immediately, which it can do literally today if someone there finally appears who actually cares about Russia....

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And which " basic fact " Russian Leadership " refuses to recognize" ? Western folks refuse to recognize several basic facts about modern Russian Federation : Russia historically is a nation of warriors and successfully fought off several huge invasions and emmerged victorious. Americans and the rest of the Westerners, for example, do not know and do not study the real history of the WWII . Americans do not even know ehat the real war is. Americans do not know what it is to fight the war on their own territory, on their own homeland, when the enemy kills and rapes your family and burns down your house. How many Americans died in their own country during WWII, ha? There 27 millions of Soviet people , mostly Russians died during 1941-1945 .. Westerners do not understand Russia , Russian culture and values , mentality, civilization , let alone Russian strategic and military thoughts and system.

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"And which " basic fact " Russian Leadership " refuses to recognize" ? "

May 2nd, 2014, is when the war started.

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Sad but true

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It seems like Russia can’t even bury its own soldiers properly.

“Here are the trucks standing there, they brought corpses on it.”

This is one of the numerous mass graves in the so-called “LDNR.” Human hands and shovels are not enough to deal with the burial of “missing persons” on such an industrial scale.


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Why do Ukrainians and Russians have animosity between each other?

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Just an emotional writing. "May 2nd, 2014, and Russia's shameful inaction afterwards is why God did not grant us an easy victory." --is a rediculous statement that completely contradicts the facts . I guess, folks like the author of this article always expects Russia to react to any provocation by the West , to become emotionally unhinged and, in the manner of Americans & Britts ,start something stupid like the usual expeditionary force operation the US does all over the world, -- right? Russia took back Crimea ffs, supported Donbass , began Minsk agreement &ect. Same goes for an " easy victory " uneducated, ignorant bs statement . People like the author assume that strategic (!) victory against the combined West can be easy , right? As far as events in Odessa -- it's correct , but the author fails to mention many events that occured for over decade since the collapse of Soviet Union , and failed to mention how long the West groomed & financed ukro-nazis before they activated the coup in Kiev in 2014.

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Did it? Do you remember what happend in Odesa?

Pro Russian activists in Odesa were armed and they killed two Ukrainians in the city center.

The pro Russians later went to their tent camp close to the Trade union building in Odesa.

They were told they should leave but they only replied «fuck off! We ll defend ourselves.

The pro Russians were throwing Molotov cocktails from the roof and as one pro Ukrainian answered «what did they expect? That we would throw them back flowers?»

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Oh, how nice it is of you and your kind to try to justify the US and their NATO chihuahuas grooming ukro-nazis and starting bloody coup, and nazis burning people alive in Odessa ! What else are you and your kind try to justify ? Ethnic cleansing of Russian population including children in Donbass by ukro-nazis ? Ukro-nazis and their western owners' crimes against humanity, against the civilians in former Ukraine and in Russia?

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retarded on so many levels, that it's as comcial as two Puccians living in woke Germany defending their holy motherland with safe distance and a social system.

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What is in fact absolutely retarded on ALL levels is that Polish person due to his irrational russophobia begins to support ukro-nazis ,-- those who glorify ukies UPA, OUN, Bandera, Shuhevich and other murderous ukro-ultra'nationalists who butchered Pols by thousands ! IOI historical, generational stupidity .

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Braindead you are. Russia has been occupying Poland, murdering, torturing and banishing Poles more than a century before Hitler rose to power. Death to Russia. Fucking Russophobia.

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Thank you for giving us this horrifically cruel truth. I live in Vancouver, British Columbia, and I too long to see the Russian flag over Kulikovo Field, soon.

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